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Saturday, October 20, 2012


Have you ever met Kat?

I used to call Kat, Pumpkin. It was a secret code between us, so she would know it was mom calling her. On September 29th, 2006, I sat here and decided to write a letter to her. Only four months ago, she was right here, and I could hug and kiss her…
You know how someone can be so incredibly special to you, that their love completely fills your heart?... Just being in their presence can fill your heart with such joy you feel that it might burst from the intense happiness. Kat was that person for me. Her love was so pure, sweet, unconditional, complete. Her smile could immediately light me up inside, no matter how sad or tired I was feeling.      
I have so many priceless memories of our times together. We spent precious time together. I enjoyed  surfing the internet with her and find answers for all her questions and curiosities. On her own she loved to play games. Sometimes I played it her and I think she might have let me win once or twice. And it wasn't like she had to concentrate really hard to beat me either. Kat was the definition of "multi-tasking"and simply could not do one thing at a time. . Kat was incredibly gifted and became bored rather easily.
We had several special "Mom & Kat" DVDs  that we watched together every week. Her favorite one,Charlotte’s Web, Legally Blond,  I am sure we watched them more than a hundred times. She knew every word and song in all of her DVDs.
Kat absolutely loved books. In fact, I'm fairly certain that she was born with a book in her hand.   Lately she enjoyed reading all about dog’s stories. We read so many books together on the cold nights snugged under a blanket in bed. She also loved her dog Apolo, and imagined him as the hero of her books. She cuddled, kissed and spoiled him and he was so gentle with her.
Music was another one of Kat's great loves. I marveled at the diverse taste that ranged from April Lavigne, Bossa Nova, Jack Jonhson and Rock. We couldn't go anywhere without a stack of her special CD's and lately with her MP3, with all the music Wilhelm recorded for her.
But creativity did not stop with music. Kat also had a flare for drama.  She liked to act, do dance, to be on the stage. How many plays she, Suelem and Luana would rehearse and put up a show on Saturday evenings? She even charged us a ticket entrance.            
Kat was a very caring person. She always knew when, how, why, and where someone was hurting.  And by the same token, she could usually relieve their pain.    
Kat was a warrior too. Daily, she was challenged by her disease, HIV. She has had headaches, backaches all aches one never think of. She never complained, she never gave up, she always kept faith and hope. After almost 14  years of  pain and suffering she was overcoming her many challenges, she grew confident, resilient, and passionate about life. Kat's love was so unconditional and encompassing that it filled every breath I took. Her sweet smile was a bright as sunshine, and always filled my heart with joy. She took care of me when I had a headache, set me straight when I was wrong and made everything better with her heart-warming hugs. Kat hugs could heal any wound. They were  comforting like my mothers hugs. She truly gave her love.      
In every situation, she  knew and understood my every thought and feeling, ...often before I had a chance to understand them myself. Our souls were bonded together by the strongest ties of love.      
In fact, Kat loved everyone. She knew no strangers. A stranger was simply a person that she had yet to come across in life's path. Her kind heart and gentle spirit drew many people to her. It was especially beautiful to watch her interact with small children and the elderly. She touched their hearts, participated in what was important to them, and gave of herself completely. Daily, she would do things to brighten someone's day or let them know that they were special to her. I was given the gift of spending 11 years and ten months with the most precious and loving soul that God ever created.
I remember one day we sang a Beatlle song: Those were the days my friends, we thought they ll never end...." I always thought that I would have infinite days with her.

I can no longer hold Kat in my arms, help her fix her hair , go shopping for the perfect pink dress, play a game or share our favorite music. I know deep in my heart, that we are forever connected. I will forever cherish the precious gifts of love that she shared with me every day. The little notes of encouragement, the phone calls and torpedo messages to say she loved me, the way she snuggled with me when I came home and she told me about her day. She was always joyful, unconditionally loving, forgiving, and looked for the best in everyone. We breathed in unison, loved each other completely, and finished each other's thoughts without saying a word. She was my little girl, my best friend and companion. In short, she was my heart. She was every breath I took.      
I know now that she is a beautiful angel, dancing painlessly in Heaven with God's love surrounding her. But I long to hold her in my arms once again.  God placed a precious angel in my arms, to hold if but for a short time, but to love forever.   I will keep our happy memories alive until we can be together again.  
Kat, you are forever my Angel.  You left me your love. 
I miss you so much.  I love you!  "MOM"

Saturday, July 7, 2012

8 de julho -Feliz Aniversário de 20 anos Kat! Happy 20th Birthday!

Você deve estar feliz e rindo ao me ver comemorar seu aniversário de 20 anos cantando Parabéns. "Pronto, a mommy pirou de vez". Verdade. Ou sempre fui assim?
Lembra quando sentávamos na proa e com os olhos cansados de procurar, víamos debaixo das nuvens a sombra de uma ilha, de uma terra mesmo bem longe ainda. Como ficávamos felizes!  Pois é assim que estou agora. Só que eu não estou buscando uma terra distante nem um lugar desconhecido... Estou buscando as respostas na saudade que você deixou.
Sabe Kat, ver você partir não foi uma rota que eu escolhi, mas uma navegada que estou fazendo com muitas descobertas surpreendentes!
Estou descobrindo significados importantes sobre a vida. Você me ensinou que o amor é  muito maior e mais forte do que a morte, que não existem números para marcar o tempo, que  – o tempo - é apenas a percepção do momento que vivemos agora. E a mais difícil das lições que ainda estou no jardim de infância: o desapego.
O que eu achava ser verdade ou justo no meu mundo naufragou de repente na pior tempestade que passei. Por isso Kat, eu estou ajustando minhas velas, tentando evoluir, momento a momento, neste meu oceano desconhecido. Refiz as regras de minha navegação, criando um novo “normal”.
Nas noites de tempestades me lembro de seus olhinhos iluminados e sua luz me guia como um farol.

Kat sou feliz que você existe em minha vida! Por isso estou celebrando sua vida!
Com todo amor

Happy Birthday my Pumpkin! With all my love, Mom

You must be laughing seeing me celebrating your birthday with cake, candles and singing Happy Birthday. "OMG  mommy freaked out for sure ."Truth. Or have I always been like this? Remember when we sat in the bow of Aysso and with tired eyes after hours of searching we glimpsed beneath the clouds  the shadow of an island, or a land far far away? How happy we were! This is how I am now. Only I'm not seeking a distant land or an unknown place ... I am seeking the answers about life after you left.
Do you know Kat your departure was not a route I chose, but I'm sailing away in a route of with many discoveries! I'm discovering new important meanings about life. You taught me that love is much bigger and stronger than death. I learned that there are no numbers to count time,  - time - is only the perception of the moment we live now. And the most difficult of lessons I have yet to master: letting go.
What I thought was true or fair in my world suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea in the worst storm of my life. Kat, I am seeking my true north, trying to hold the helm , moment by moment, in my new ocean. I am redoing my navigation rules, creating a new"normal". During the  storms I remember your shining  eyes and their light guides me in through the dark nights.
Kat I'm so happy you are in my life. I love you forever!Happy Birthday my Pumpkin!